
If at first you do not succeed, blame your computer. If at first you don’t succeed, work for Microsoft. - Unknown

Profile Updated!

Hey, We add some elements in the profile page
it's a grate work of B~HFH.

He made an algorithem that directing and helping
you where to find information about the challanges
that you stuck in them, you can find it by clicking
on your nick.

Oh, and I added an easter egg in the shell board
and meanwhile just Tomer123 found it..

Upload and share with us your pictures to our

By:cp77fk4r, Date:14/11/2008
I added a new picture of my home-made lockpick kit! :»
By:T4uSBaZ, Date:14/11/2008
I think it would be very usuful to add comments to the pics..
By:cp77fk4r, Date:18/11/2008
Yeah, it will update soon.
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