
Computers do not solve problems, they execute solutions.- Unknown

We just want to say..

Happy Hanukkah! and... Happy Birthday to B~HFH!

Oh, and soon we will release our new project, stay around!

By:cp77fk4r, Date:25/12/2008
Happy Brithday bro!
By:T4uSBaZ, Date:27/12/2008
happy birthday
By:noam, Date:30/12/2008
happy birthday :)
By:zEt0s-, Date:2/1/2009
Happy B-Day ] BTW - How old is he? BTW2 - which new project?
By:B~HFH, Date:2/1/2009
Project EraNova: for your first question: 20.
By:zEt0s-, Date:4/1/2009
I cant see the link in my profile to the EraNova Project.. Where is it located?
By:cp77fk4r, Date:5/1/2009
Paste the HTML code in the "User Space" in the "Account" Section in the left bar.
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