
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who dont.- Unknown

New Ajax level!

Level name: Aj[hack]X
Creator: l3D & cp77fk4r
Category: Web Challanges
Score: 75.

thanks to l3D for the idea!

Tt0 t3am!

By:cp77fk4r, Date:10/2/2009
thanks l3D! :)
By:l3D, Date:10/2/2009
NP cp :)
By:T4uSBaZ, Date:11/2/2009
man i past the level, it gave me the password (which was absolutely generated by you) ("Great job! ") etc and it still says incorrect password in the submit score
By:cp77fk4r, Date:11/2/2009
Look at the script, if you want, you can manage it to output this msg with all the passwords that you want, but you need to manipulate it to output the RIGHT password... anyway, Pm me the password that you've got.
By:T4uSBaZ, Date:12/2/2009
nvm i passed it :)
By:cp77fk4r, Date:12/2/2009
"great job!" ;)
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