
Computers do not solve problems, they execute solutions.- Unknown

New KGen App!

I made a new Keygen-Me application.

Level name: TT0 KeyGenMe v2.0
Creator: cp77fk4r
Category: Application
Score: 90.


By:TheHiveMind, Date:17/3/2009
Solved it, but a valid serial for the user as written on the challenge page will not be accepted. What will solve the challenge is a valid serial for the user TryThisOne. So either username or solution check should be changed.
By:cp77fk4r, Date:17/3/2009
Thanks! you right, i forget to change it when i uploaded the level! thanks a lot!
By:Hertz__, Date:17/3/2009
I think there are already enough applications on this site.
By:cp77fk4r, Date:17/3/2009
Why? its the smallest category in the site «without includs the "Other"» and as I see you only passed half of them :»
By:Hertz__, Date:17/3/2009
Because application are the most easy challenges to create and they are OBVIOUSLY not as atractive as a Realistic or a Web Challenge is.;)
By:cp77fk4r, Date:17/3/2009
Its right, and we will add more levels the other category soon!
By:T4uSBaZ, Date:18/3/2009
Hertz, thats not completely true, that is your opinion. I think applications are very attractive and i expected another keygen applications. Realistic category, for example, might by more interesting but that doesn mean we have to stop adding more applications. I can gladly say that the application part in the site has improved me a lot (PE FILES,ASM,PACKING etc) and i believe they can even be combined somehow with realistic manner. ( Cp - what do you think about a realistic application? :]) very nice app by the way, i haven passed it yet but i hope ill pass it soon!
By:cp77fk4r, Date:18/3/2009
Realistic App? we have two realistic level that base on application (TT0 Messenger and Free Program Starter) But we will keep updating :)
By:Hertz__, Date:2/4/2009
cp: Why? its the smallest category in the site (without includs the "Other") and as I see you only passed half of them :) Now it changed a little didn't it?:)
By:cp77fk4r, Date:2/4/2009
A little bit :P
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