
COBOL programmers understand why women hate periods.- Unknown

New Bot!

We added a new bot to our IRC channel.
His nick is T^2b0t, and by now you can:

See your status by typing: !me.
See someone else status, by typing: !status [USERNAME].
See the list of the last 5 news by typeing !lastnews.
See the list of the last 5 articles by typeing !lastarts.
See the list of the top 5 users by typeing !top5.
See this help by typing !help.

Our IRC channel details:
Channel: #tt0

TT0 ~TeaM.

By:zEt0s-, Date:14/4/2009
C0oooo0o0L!!! Keep doing sucha things guys! I love it ;]
By:cp77fk4r, Date:14/4/2009
thnks :)
By:K32.nix, Date:14/4/2009
hey,cp77fk4r is the bot working fine? I can not get my status cause irc doesn accepts special signals,in my case "." And when i type !status k32.nix, the bot only show me "User: K32.nix" just to warn you. :P
By:cp77fk4r, Date:15/4/2009
i'll chk it now.
By:cp77fk4r, Date:15/4/2009
works perfect0! :)
By:cp77fk4r, Date:16/4/2009
I added new functions :)
By:cp77fk4r, Date:19/4/2009
And more :)
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